Sarah, 32, feels her obsession with finding the right foods and having the 'right' body (which began when she was a teenager) is now taking up so much head space and daily energy, it's got ahold of her. We learn that this comparison and self-judgement stems from her teenage modeling days, during which she felt very real pressure from her parents and the modeling industry to be in a smaller body. Marc's insights lead her to recognize that her big work will be about not just accepting the body she's been given, but owning it. Sarah knows that this challenge spills over into other areas of life, such as her relationship with her fiance. Listen to this episode to hear Sarah's full story, and the big breakthrough she is committed to practicing!
Interested in becoming a certified coach in eating psychology? Then tune in to hear Marc talk about our Mind Body Eating Coach Certification Training, and download a copy of our School Catalog: Learn our powerful, cutting-edge approach, and discover how you can create a unique career helping others find peace and freedom with food.
Jo, almost 40, starts off this episode by letting us know she truly wants to heal her relationship with food. We learn that it has been a life-long struggle to look a certain way. Her mother would hint that she needed to be skinnier, and she started dieting at age 11. From a nutritional standpoint, she has also noticed some shifts her body is calling for in regards to her diet. As a vegetarian for 20 years, she has recently been thinking she should re-introduce fish into her diet, and has become sensitive to some vegetarian staples, such as avocado. Marc David, Founder of the Institute for the Psychology of Eating, gives her some practical changes to experiment with in her diet. Jo also comes away with new insights on how to continue celebrating her successes along the way, and grow into her queen and accepting herself with love and confidence.
Interested in becoming a certified coach in eating psychology? Then tune in to hear Marc talk about our Mind Body Eating Coach Certification Training, and download a copy of our School Catalog: Learn our powerful, cutting-edge approach, and discover how you can create a unique career helping others find peace and freedom with food.
Amy has reached out to Marc David, Founder of the Institute for the Psychology of Eating, in regards to her 9 year-old son, Xander, who has a complex, picky, and troublesome relationship with food. Marc explains the possible reasons for Xander's anxiety around controlling what he eats. Amy learns what it could look like to support her son, while not trying to fix him. In Marc's words, he is a sensitive, interesting soul, he is complex, and he is whole. He is not broken. In turn, Marc invites Amy into a new strategy of being curious with her son, in a way that will support him to manage and grow through his experience, as opposed to both of them being stuck in the spinning wheel of "What's for dinner?... I don't want that".
Interested in becoming a certified coach in eating psychology? Then tune in to hear Marc talk about our Mind Body Eating Coach Certification Training, and download a copy of our School Catalog: Learn our powerful, cutting-edge approach, and discover how you can create a unique career helping others find peace and freedom with food.
Is it ever too late to achieve your dreams? In this session, Marc David, Founder of the Institute for the Psychology of Eating, guides Karma through a journey of discovery around what is possible for her at this point in life. At age 59, with a 30-year history of drug abuse, Karma feels like she is just getting started on building her purpose and serving others as a personal trainer and coach. To her, the biggest fear is getting older. While Marc agrees with her 100% about hitting the ground running with her passion and career, he also throws in 2 important cautions around how she will measure approval and success in her career, and how she will attract a man to be in relationship with. Watch this episode to see the full conversation, and learn what Karma's new homework will be for this last era in her life.
Interested in becoming a certified coach in eating psychology? Then tune in to hear Marc talk about our Mind Body Eating Coach Certification Training, and download a copy of our School Catalog: Learn our powerful, cutting-edge approach, and discover how you can create a unique career helping others find peace and freedom with food.