Jill, 44, wants a new relationship with food – one where she can enjoy a more easygoing, intuitive way of eating. She’d like eating to be fun and lighthearted, and feel satiated after a great meal.
But her dreamy new relationship with food seems so very far away.
Jill has an intense desire for food – so deep that it feels like her desire can never be quenched. No matter what or how much Jil eats, she doesn’t really feel like she ever finds true pleasure and contentment with food. It just never feels like enough – and Jill has a lot of anxiety that she’ll end up overeating and gaining weight in her pursuit of pleasure.
Jill’s experience is one that many of us can relate to.
We secretly – or not so secretly – love food. But we don’t trust ourselves with it.
We’re afraid of our own pleasure, and what it might mean if we actually allowed ourselves to fully enjoy food.
In this episode, Marc David helps Jill and the rest of us understand why our desire for pleasure isn’t something to be afraid of. Instead, Marc argues that our love of food and pleasure is something that should be fully owned and celebrated. When we honor pleasure, we not only enjoy life so much more – but often find that weight loss is ironically much easier and more sustainable.
Because when we own our love of food, we’re in our power.
In this episode, you’ll hear Marc share:
✅ What trusting yourself with food actually requires. Hint: it’s not having a perfect track record with food, or never making a mistake!
✅ How to invoke your inner voice of wisdom when making food choices.
✅ The connection between trust and relaxation.
✅ How to honor our body’s animal nature amidst the very unnatural modern times we live in.
✅ How to eat from your body instead of your brain.
✅ And much more!
Pleasure is a beautiful aspect of being alive on this planet, but not very many of us have a healthy relationship with it. Instead of fighting desire, we can make it a powerful ally as we learn to live a radiant, embodied life.
So tune in to learn how to deepen your own relationship with food and pleasure!
Learn more about us at The Institute for the Psychology of Eating: https://psychologyofeating.com/
Ready to call a ceasefire in your battle with eating, and find peace and freedom with food? Learn more about our newest program, The Emotional Eating Breakthrough! https://learn.psychologyofeating.com/
Interested in becoming a certified coach in eating psychology? Then tune in to hear Marc talk about our Mind Body Eating Coach Certification Training, and download a copy of our School Catalog: https://psychologyofeating.com/info-kit/ Learn our powerful, cutting-edge approach, and discover how you can create a unique career helping others find peace and freedom with food.
Follow us on social:
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#intuitiveeating #foodfreedom #pleasure #desire #bodyrespect #embodiment #trustyourself #selflovejourney #relationshipwithyourbody #psychologyofeating #foodpsychology #marcdavid
Food is intended to be our source of nourishment, but all too often it can feel like a losing battle.
Perhaps you’ve been struggling with your weight, and why it’s so hard to lose it – or keep it off. Or maybe you binge or emotionally eat, and are frustrated that you can’t stop these behaviors.
Whatever your unique challenge with food may be, after a while it’s hard to not come to a particular conclusion…
Food has a POWER over you.
It must – otherwise, you’d have been able to put an end to your unwanted habits a long time ago, right?!
But is it really possible for food to hold power over you?
In this episode, we explore what’s going on when we feel we’ve lost our power to food – and how to navigate the very real feeling of powerlessness that many of us experience when it comes to food.
Paulien, 58, has been maintaining her weight loss for the past decade, but she still doesn’t feel at peace with food. She wants to be free of food fear, and instead embrace being a natural eater.
But Paulien feels like food holds a certain power over her that she can’t overcome. She gets lost in food, and ends up binge eating a couple of nights a week – provoking her fear that she’ll gain weight back.
Marc David, founder of the Institute for the Psychology of Eating, helps Paulien discover a vital new truth about owning our personal power with food, as well as:
✅ How to identify your inner eating archetypes or “voices,” and why every voice must have a seat at the table.
✅ Embracing the parts of ourselves we’re ashamed about, and how that strengthens a healthy relationship with food.
✅ How to transform nightly binges into conscious food rituals.
✅ Opening up our throat chakra and speaking from our authentic self as a way of healing our eating challenges.
✅ Why becoming the most natural YOU will lead to becoming a natural eater.
This deeply spiritual conversation will provide an important reframe on the belief that food holds power over us. You’ll come away inspired and feeling more compassion for yourself on this human journey. So be sure to tune in!
Learn more about us at The Institute for the Psychology of Eating: https://psychologyofeating.com/
Ready to call a ceasefire in your battle with eating, and find peace and freedom with food? Learn more about our newest program, The Emotional Eating Breakthrough! https://learn.psychologyofeating.com/
Interested in becoming a certified coach in eating psychology? Then tune in to hear Marc talk about our Mind Body Eating Coach Certification Training, and download a copy of our School Catalog: https://psychologyofeating.com/info-kit/ Learn our powerful, cutting-edge approach, and discover how you can create a unique career helping others find peace and freedom with food.
Follow us on social:
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#personalpower #bingeeating #emotionaleating #weight #selfgrowth #eatingarchetypes #rebel #queen #wisdom #authenticity #foodfreedom
Negative body image is something that so many of us struggle with – regardless of our nationality, age, or background. It almost seems to be part of the human condition, something that is innate to our journey here on Earth.
But is it, really?
While not liking our body – or constantly trying to achieve a certain weight or shape – is ubiquitous around the world, the truth is that is NOT a natural, normal part of being alive.
Our beliefs around body image and beauty are instead ingrained from us at a young age. We were, quite literally, taught to believe that beauty looks a certain way, and that we must do everything we can to attain this beauty … or else.
Depending on our culture, family, and childhood, the beauty ideals we grew up with might be different from other people.
But regardless, these ideals have a very similar effect on us: they cause massive low self-esteem throughout adulthood, until we recognize and release them.
That’s what we explore in this episode, where we meet Sharon, 32, who has been trying to lose about 15 pounds – but can’t figure out why she’s unable to fully commit to her diet and exercise.
Growing up in Chinese culture, Sharon learned from watching Chinese beauty pageants on TV that to be thin and light was beautiful. She was mesmerized by the beauty contestants, and imagined herself one day being as pretty and elegant as they were.
Her parents and community also echoed this value, and her weight fluctuations were frequently a topic of conversation. All of this was even more confusing to Sharon because, in Chinese culture, sharing food is a way of sharing love. Her dad was an amazing chef and made delicious food – and she was encouraged to relish it, just not too much of it.
Now as an adult, Sharon understandably has a lot of conflicted feelings about food and her body. She finds herself still wanting to achieve the ideal body, the one she dreamed of as a little girl.
But that thin, lythe body always feels just out of reach – no matter how hard she tries to diet or get to the gym. Sharon just can’t quite get herself to consistently do the things that she thinks would help her lose weight – and she’s wondering what to do.
So in this episode, Marc David, founder of the Institute for the Psychology of Eating, explores:
✅ The keys to recognizing childhood conditioning around body image – and how to begin to let it go.
✅ Why the belief, “I’m not good enough,” will almost always derail our weight loss efforts.
✅ Weight loss as an emotional, non-linear type of goal, and why this matters in the weight loss journey.
✅ Learning to approach weight loss from a place of inspiration and self-love.
No matter where we’re from or what our background is, almost all of us have been taught certain beliefs around weight and beauty. But as this episode demonstrates, we don’t have to keep feeding these beliefs.
We get to choose which beliefs we want to embrace – and one of the most important beliefs about ourselves we can ever choose is, “I love myself. I am enough.”
Enjoy this powerful episode!
Learn more about us at The Institute for the Psychology of Eating: https://psychologyofeating.com/
Ready to call a ceasefire in your battle with eating, and find peace and freedom with food? Learn more about our newest program, The Emotional Eating Breakthrough! https://learn.psychologyofeating.com/
Interested in becoming a certified coach in eating psychology? Then tune in to hear Marc talk about our Mind Body Eating Coach Certification Training, and download a copy of our School Catalog: https://psychologyofeating.com/info-kit/ Learn our powerful, cutting-edge approach, and discover how you can create a unique career helping others find peace and freedom with food.
Follow us on social:
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#bodyimage #weight #selflovejourney #innerchild #selfworth #selfacceptance #radicalselflove #foodpsychology
Perhaps more than any other food group, carbohydrates can really freak people out. You might say, carbs are one of the world’s great nutritional “hang-ups.”
And a big reason for this is we’ve been told carbohydrates will make us … fat.
Eat the wrong kinds, too much, and too often, and you’ll be popping the buttons off your jeans in no time.
So many of us then try to avoid or limit carbohydrates, but find ourselves struggling to sustain that.
Part of what makes carbohydrates so confusing is that we’ve come to believe they’re not only problematic to both our weight and health – but that they’re also somehow OPTIONAL.
Like we can just skip them and be A-OK.
👉 But the trouble is, we need carbs. They’re 1 of our 3 key macronutrients – the others being fat and protein – and the body absolutely requires them for its functioning.
Which is why examining and releasing our negative beliefs about carbohydrates, weight, and health is so vital. Otherwise, we’re at risk for staying in strife and confusion around carbs, needing them for our body’s well-being but feeling like they’re also somehow bad for us.
In this episode, Marc David will explore our collective beliefs around carbohydrates, weight and health – and how to put an end to the fears so many of us hold around this food group.
You’ll meet 34-year old guest coaching client, Jessica, who holds some confusing beliefs about carbohydrates and their potential negative impact on her health and weight.
Jessica has been going through a lot in her personal life, and wants to believe that it can be okay to allow herself to enjoy food as a way of relaxing and letting go.
She’d like those foods to include carbs, but the podcasts and experts she listens to say they’re detrimental and she’d be best to avoid them. Plus, she has lost a bunch of weight and doesn’t want to risk gaining it back. Carbs seem to encourage her weight gain.
The problem is, whenever she’s stricter with carbohydrates – she inevitably boomerangs back, and eats even more. It seems she can never find peace and clarity when it comes to carbs.
So what the heck is Jessica to do?!
For Jessica and the rest of us in a similar place, we need to first recognize that carbohydrates are benign. They’re not an evil villain waiting to make you fat and unhappy.
🔲 Carbohydrates are simply food, here to help you live and be healthy.
Like any food, carbohydrates are asking you to be in relationship with them. And like any good relationship, you must first be in relationship with you and your body.
Reading all the books and knowing all the information, that’s helpful. That’s being an educated consumer.
But at some point, we must release the nutritional noise in our heads, and listen to our own body. Learning how to do this is one of the great challenges we face – a sort of lost art in this increasing digital age.
So if you’re like Jessica – a bit fraught over carbs, and whether to welcome them in or ward them off – don’t miss this episode!
Marc will explore:
✅ The common false beliefs we hold around carbs, including that eating carbs causes weight gain.
✅ Why and how to find a “middle ground” with carbs.
✅ Finding the willingness to experiment with carbohydrates, and learning what works and doesn’t work for your unique body.
✅ Noticing negative self-talk and weight hate, and how they can fuel the fear of carbs.
This session is a great reminder that finding our healthy natural weight means not only eating the right foods, but also thinking the right thoughts and listening thoughtfully to what your body is asking of you.
Learn more about us at The Institute for the Psychology of Eating: https://psychologyofeating.com/
Ready to call a ceasefire in your battle with eating, and find peace and freedom with food? Learn more about our newest program, The Emotional Eating Breakthrough! https://learn.psychologyofeating.com/
Interested in becoming a certified coach in eating psychology? Then tune in to hear Marc talk about our Mind Body Eating Coach Certification Training, and download a copy of our School Catalog: https://psychologyofeating.com/info-kit/ Learn our powerful, cutting-edge approach, and discover how you can create a unique career helping others find peace and freedom with food.
Follow us on social:
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#carbohydrates #weight #antidietculture #foodfreedom #intuitiveeating #macronutrients #mindfuleating #relationshipwithyourbody #eatingpsychology
Many of us struggle with emotional eating. And that’s because food is a reliable way to manage our unwanted emotions. Think: Bored. Stressed. Lonely. Angry. Anxious.
When we’re experiencing difficult emotions, it’s natural to turn to food.
But here’s something that’s also common: some of us label ourselves as emotional eaters, when that’s not actually the case.
For some of us, something else altogether is going on:
We just LOVE food. A lot.
The truth is, some of us love food so much that we don’t know how to contain ourselves.
We overdo it because we love it so much. In the midst of our food love affair, it seems we can lose our ability to manage how much food we eat.
So it’s not so much that we have a “problem” with food – instead, we love it so much that we can easily go overboard.
If this sounds familiar, this episode will really hit home.
Marc David coaches 35-year old guest client, Romana, who has long assumed that she’s an emotional eater. In an effort to put an end to her ‘emotional eating,’ Romana wonders: how can she only eat when she’s hungry? What does she need to do to control herself? And why does she go against her own wishes when it comes to how much she eats?
But in the course of their session, Marc helps Romana recognize that her challenge is a bit different from what she imagines it to be.
What Romana believes is her “food issue” is actually just a deep love and excitement for food.
So how does Romana and the rest of us love food, without overdoing it?
By owning, honoring, and embracing that love.
And also learning that loving food in a good way – in a way that supports our body, mind, and soul – means we must cultivate some real SKILL. The truth is, most of us who struggle with emotional eating and overeating simply haven’t learned key skills around eating and pleasure.
So in this episode, you’ll hear Marc explore:
💟 Why embracing our inner Hedonist archetype is hard for so many of us to do – but why it’s so important to overcome emotional eating & overeating.
💟 How to experience pleasure wisely.
💟 Learning to “embody” with food – and recognize the signs of “checking out” when eating.
💟 How to slow down with food and allow your nervous system to register pleasure.
💟 Transforming excitement with food into fulfillment with food.
💟 How to ground yourself when you eat.
This positive and uplifting episode is a powerful reminder that our love for food is both natural and beautiful. Through embracing that love, we can find the nourishment and connection with food that is our human birthright.
Learn more about us at The Institute for the Psychology of Eating: https://psychologyofeating.com/
Ready to call a ceasefire in your battle with eating, and find peace and freedom with food? Learn more about our newest program, The Emotional Eating Breakthrough! https://learn.psychologyofeating.com/
Interested in becoming a certified coach in eating psychology? Then tune in to hear Marc talk about our Mind Body Eating Coach Certification Training, and download a copy of our School Catalog: https://psychologyofeating.com/info-kit/ Learn our powerful, cutting-edge approach, and discover how you can create a unique career helping others find peace and freedom with food.
Follow us on social:
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#emotionaleating #emotionaleater #overeating #pleasure #hedonist #loveaffair #nourishment #relationshipwithfood #foodpsychology #podcast #marcdavid
For those of us who struggle with weight, are in a battle with food, or who have ongoing anxiety around eating, it’s no secret that these unwanted food and body challenges can have a myriad of possible causes.
Well, one of the more overlooked causes is something that many of us experienced when we were young:
➡️ Having an absentee parent.
This can mean:
👉 A parent who was never there, or was seldom there, or who came into and out of life in an erratic way.
👉 A parent who was around, but was emotionally absent and didn’t really show up for us in a meaningful way.
👉 Spending time in foster care, or being under the care of different relatives or friends because our parents were somehow unable to consistently parent us.
So how can having an absentee parent impact our relationship with food, body and weight?
When a child has an absentee parent, they experience that absence as a lack of love.
The child thinks, “If my mother or father isn’t communicating love and acceptance in a way that really lands for me, then something must be truly wrong with me. So I have to do something to be more lovable.”
The child might become a people pleaser, or become obsessed with winning approval. And for many young people, they eventually turn to their body to win that approval.
“If I can weigh the right amount and eat the right food and have the ideal body, then I will be lovable.”
And so begins a life of dieting, food restriction, binge eating, emotional eating, and a constant battle with food. 💔
This is exactly what Marc David’s guest coaching client, Maxine, has been experiencing for decades – and that she explores with Marc in this episode of The Psychology of Eating Podcast.
Maxine, age 58, was placed in foster care for 5 years at a young age. She loved her mother deeply, and couldn’t understand why her mother gave her away. She wondered how she could possibly be lovable if her own mother gave her away?
How does a child make sense of their world when the person who brought them into it has abandoned them?
That’s what Maxine has been grappling with throughout her adulthood, even as she’s raised 4 amazing kids of her own.
What Maxine hasn’t quite connected is how her mother’s abandonment has affected her relentless battle with food – including daily binge eating, weight, food anxiety, and harsh judgment towards her body.
So how ARE they connected? Is there something Maxine can uncover in the relationship with her mother that will shine light on why she’s struggled with food and body for so long?
And if so, how can Maxine begin to find healing from absentee parenting syndrome – and allow that to transform her relationship with herself and her body?
Episode highlights:
🌟 How our relationship – or lack thereof – with our parents can mirror our relationship with food and body.
🌟 The ways that absentee parent syndrome can cause us to reject and abandon ourselves later in life.
🌟 How to spark self-love when we never got that from our parents.
🌟 Healing our relationship with our parents when they’re no longer alive.
🌟 Why letting go of “longing for” a different body is so important to maturing into our Royal Archetype, and how we can begin to embrace ourselves, as we are.
For those of us whose parents were not able to be there for us, Marc has an important message – and one we hope you won’t miss!
Be sure to tune into this heartwarming, life-affirming episode…
Learn more about us at The Institute for the Psychology of Eating: https://psychologyofeating.com/
Ready to call a ceasefire in your battle with eating, and find peace and freedom with food? Learn more about our newest program, The Emotional Eating Breakthrough! https://learn.psychologyofeating.com/
Interested in becoming a certified coach in eating psychology? Then tune in to hear Marc talk about our Mind Body Eating Coach Certification Training, and download a copy of our School Catalog: https://psychologyofeating.com/info-kit/ Learn our powerful, cutting-edge approach, and discover how you can create a unique career helping others find peace and freedom with food.
Follow us on social:
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- Pinterest: https://www.pinterest.com/eatingpsych
#bingeeatingrecovery #weight #bodyimage #overeating #healingjourney #innerchildhealing #reparenting #relationshipwithyourbody #radicalselflove #eatingpychology
Ever hear the phrase “health is wealth?”
For many people, we don’t quite recognize how valuable our health is until we find illness or injury knocking.
Enjoying robust health is truly the foundation of a happy, fulfilled, and connected life.
But it’s also true that worrying about our health, or being vigilant about every aspect of our diet and lifestyle, can actually take us in the opposite direction of vitality – as Marc David explores with 53-year old Daniela.
Daniela’s health anxieties – like many people – were born at a young age.
As a child, Daniela had always thought she was pretty – gorgeous, even. But at the age of 15, her father told her she was overweight, and in that single instant, her whole world flipped. She began to have constant intrusive thoughts that she was fat, and that something was wrong with her – something that she just had to figure out how to fix.
Now almost 40 years later, Daniela has endured a series of serious health challenges: a pituitary tumor, thyroid dysfunction, knee surgery, and more.
The more health challenges that develop, the more she worries.
And her doctors do little to alleviate her concerns – with all their talk of visceral fat, and cholesterol, and how important it is to lose weight.
Daniela’s life feels like it’s constricting around her.
She’s tired of the decades of yo-yo dieting. She just wants to eat food that nourishes her, be at a moderate weight, and enjoy a healthy life.
But she can’t escape the feeling that her body is against her.
So in this session, Marc helps Daniela see her story and her relationship with her body from a different perspective: that of her soul.
Because it’s Daniela’s soul that is calling out for a different kind of life: one where she can stop fighting herself and instead embrace the precious life she has the opportunity to live.
If you’re like Daniela, caught in worries about whether your health and weight is on the right track, be sure to tune into this episode!
You’ll hear:
✅ A much-needed wake up call for why it’s time to surrender and let go.
✅ 5 key steps Marc shares for how we can release our health anxieties.
✅ How our metabolic capacity is connected to our personal power.
✅ A soulful exploration of our collective beliefs around weight and lovability.
Learn more about us at The Institute for the Psychology of Eating: https://psychologyofeating.com/
Ready to call a ceasefire in your battle with eating, and find peace and freedom with food? Learn more about our newest program, The Emotional Eating Breakthrough! https://learn.psychologyofeating.com/
Interested in becoming a certified coach in eating psychology? Then tune in to hear Marc talk about our Mind Body Eating Coach Certification Training, and download a copy of our School Catalog: https://psychologyofeating.com/info-kit/ Learn our powerful, cutting-edge approach, and discover how you can create a unique career helping others find peace and freedom with food.
Follow us on social:
- YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/c/Psychologyofeating
- Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/IPEfanpage
- Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/eatingpsychology/
- Pinterest: https://www.pinterest.com/eatingpsych
#weight #health #healthanxiety #spiritualgrowth #personalgrowth #eatingpsychology #foodpsychology #mindbodynutrition #marcdavid
A surprising fact about the weight loss universe is that despite so many built-in difficulties, plenty of people have success. So often, we DO actually lose the weight, we hit our target number - or come close to it, we celebrate, we feel good, we fit into our clothes, and life is finally great. We did it.
But then, something happens.
Somehow, the weight we lost finds its way back home.
Our efforts worked, but only for a brief time.
If this sounds at all familiar to you, you’ve probably asked the question, “Why does the weight come back on? And what can I do to ensure that this unwanted result never happens again?”
This is exactly what you’ll find answers to in this episode.
Marc works with Liz, age 54, a mother of four who’s looking to lose about 40 pounds. The good news is, Liz has lost the weight before. The bad news is, it came back.
So on the one hand, Liz knows what to do, but on the other hand, she knows that what she does doesn’t last.
Marc helps Liz see that the weight comes back on for one very common reason:
She FORCED her body into weight loss.
If we have to go to extremes to lose weight, if we need to artificially push the body, deny it any pleasure, demand that it go hungry, follow a super strict diet, and devote all of our mental, emotional and physical energy into weight loss - then, well… we’re going to rebound.
In fact, it’s predictable.
So, the key to making sure that the weight we lose doesn’t come back on is to make sure that the WAY we lose it isn’t forced.
Tune in as Marc helps Liz see that success with sustainable weight loss means:
✅ Practicing mindful eating rather than willful eating.
✅ Listening to her body rather than overriding it.
✅ Finding the middle ground with food instead of being “all or nothing.”
✅ And nourishing her body rather than punishing it.
If you’re interested in the kind of weight loss that’s more relaxed and truly lifelong, then you won’t want to miss this session!
Learn more about us at The Institute for the Psychology of Eating: https://psychologyofeating.com/
Ready to call a ceasefire in your battle with eating, and find peace and freedom with food? Learn more about our newest program, The Emotional Eating Breakthrough! https://learn.psychologyofeating.com/
Interested in becoming a certified coach in eating psychology? Then tune in to hear Marc talk about our Mind Body Eating Coach Certification Training, and download a copy of our School Catalog: https://psychologyofeating.com/info-kit/ Learn our powerful, cutting-edge approach, and discover how you can create a unique career helping others find peace and freedom with food.
Follow us on social:
- YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/c/Psychologyofeating
- Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/IPEfanpage
- Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/eatingpsychology/
- Pinterest: https://www.pinterest.com/eatingpsych
#weight #weightlossjourney #chronicdieting #foodfreedom #mindfuleating #eatingpsychology #foodpsychology #holisticnutrition #marcdavid
When it comes to nutrition and health, there can be a lot to worry about:
✴️ How do I control my desires and avoid the foods that are bad for me?
✴️ How can I eat to successfully lose weight?
✴️ How do I stop sabotaging myself?
✴️ And can I stick to a good nutritional program for the sake of my health?
If you find yourself having multiple worries around food, weight or health, you’re not alone. So many of us sincerely want to get things “right.”
But it can often seem like an impossible task. Our worries tend to get the best of us. They persist, and they’re happy to follow us everywhere.
Ultimately, our job is to learn how to find inner peace and calm in the nutritional storm.
And that’s exactly what you’ll learn about in this episode.
Tune in as Marc David works with Kesia, a mother of five who has multiple food and body concerns on her mind. Marc helps Kesia begin to let go of worry by showing her the very place where those worries are coming from:
➡️ Her beliefs.
Kesia knows quite a bit about nutrition and health. She’s an acupuncturist who’s committed to helping others. And like so many of us who’ve learned a thing or two about what to eat, Kesia has some hard and fast rules:
✅ She believes that gluten and dairy should be avoided.
✅ She’s convinced that she must lose 5 kilos so she can be healthy.
✅ She’s certain that she needs to follow her own food rules perfectly.
✅ She wants her children to eat the same way she does.
✅ And she tells herself that her diet must guarantee her good health.
The challenge is though, life isn’t always so neat and tidy. Kesia finds herself eating gluten and dairy as “reward” foods. She knows her kids will rebel if she eliminates these foods. And she finds herself worrying about her own long term health.
The good news is, Kesia – and the rest of us – don’t have to be plagued by nutritional beliefs that cause us to worry and fret.
As you’ll hear, Marc helps Kesia unravel her beliefs one-by-one, while helping all of us understand how we can apply his strategies to our own life.
So be sure to tune into this episode, where Marc empowers all of us to discover how to create a nourishing relationship with food – minus the worrying, obsessing, and perfectionism!
Learn more about us at The Institute for the Psychology of Eating: https://psychologyofeating.com/
Ready to call a ceasefire in your battle with eating, and find peace and freedom with food? Learn more about our newest program, The Emotional Eating Breakthrough! https://learn.psychologyofeating.com/
Interested in becoming a certified coach in eating psychology? Then tune in to hear Marc talk about our Mind Body Eating Coach Certification Training, and download a copy of our School Catalog: https://psychologyofeating.com/info-kit/ Learn our powerful, cutting-edge approach, and discover how you can create a unique career helping others find peace and freedom with food.
Follow us on social:
- YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/c/Psychologyofeating
- Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/IPEfanpage
- Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/eatingpsychology/
- Pinterest: https://www.pinterest.com/eatingpsych
#nutrition #nutritionist #healthyeating #healthyhabits #healthylifestyle #anxiety #perfectionism #selfsabotage #eatingpsychology #foodpsychology #psychologyofeating #marcdavid
Chances are, you’ve had the experience of hearing conflicting voices in your head when it comes to food and body.
One part of us can clearly say: “I absolutely must lose weight.”
While another part of us can simultaneously whisper: “I’m tired of dieting. Maybe I should just give up and love my body as it is.”
And from here, an inner conflict unfolds.
On the one hand, we can find ourselves motivated to stick to a diet, get to the gym, and do everything we can to control our appetite. After all, we know how much happier we’ll be when we hit our weight loss number.
But another part of ourselves can feel uncomfortable with making our happiness contingent on how we look. After all, shouldn’t the goal be to unconditionally love and accept ourselves, no matter what?
This question of whether you should change your body – or embrace it – is something many of us are struggling to answer – and that Marc David takes on in this episode.
Marc works with James, 52, who has long wanted the body of his dreams: trim, fit and muscular like a lifeguard.
It’s a bucket list kind of wish, a goal that James knows will make him feel a huge sense of accomplishment and satisfaction. He’s even reached his dream goal several times, and has loved the feeling of having a fit, sculpted body.
But James is torn, because another voice inside just wants to love his body as it is right now, and feel like he’s good enough without the need to change anything.
So, with all these conflicting voices living inside of his head, what should James do?
Tune in to hear Marc help James discover a way through the paradoxical journey of learning to love oneself amidst the desire to have a certain body. They explore topics of weight loss, body acceptance, emotional eating, and the path to greater self-love.
Episode highlights:
✅ The unexpected ways our inner critic can drive emotional eating, and weight challenges.
✅ Why we withhold self-love, and how to turn this around.
✅ Unwinding the negative belief that you can’t have the life you want until you have the ideal body.
✅ Keys to satisfying the needs of our various inner archetypes, or “voices.”
✅ And much more…
This is a powerful session that explores the many voices or archetypes that live inside of us, and how to empower these voices to become our best allies.
Learn more about us at The Institute for the Psychology of Eating: https://psychologyofeating.com/
Ready to call a ceasefire in your battle with eating, and find peace and freedom with food? Learn more about our newest program, The Emotional Eating Breakthrough! https://learn.psychologyofeating.com/
Interested in becoming a certified coach in eating psychology? Then tune in to hear Marc talk about our Mind Body Eating Coach Certification Training, and download a copy of our School Catalog: https://psychologyofeating.com/info-kit/ Learn our powerful, cutting-edge approach, and discover how you can create a unique career helping others find peace and freedom with food.
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#bodyimage #weight #bodypositivity #bodyacceptance #bodyliberation #foodfreedom #dieting #emotionaleating #selflovejourney #eatingpsychology
Picture this:
You’re trucking along your day – everything’s going pretty well, when BOOM:
You see a picture of yourself, and you’re instantly triggered.
“Is that really what I look like?” you ask yourself.
You can’t believe your appearance. Maybe it’s extra weight, or the shape of your hips or stomach.
But whatever it is – you feel your heart start to sink, and a crushing sadness races in.
Before you know it, you’re spiraling into that incorporeal place made famous on Netflix’s acclaimed series.
(And let’s just say, it’s not “The Good Place.”)
Sound familiar?
Most of us have had the disconcerting experience of getting triggered around our weight or appearance. So in this episode, we take a special look at body image triggers, where they come from, and how to begin healing them.
You’ll hear Marc David work with 41-year old Jen on her triggers with weight and body image.
While Jen is hungering for weight loss – she’d love to lose around 40 pounds – she comes to realize in working with Marc that there’s something she’d like even more:
Being able to love and stand by herself, even if she’s not yet at her goal weight.
Because Jen’s body image triggers have been preventing her from so many things, such as:
Taking photos of herself with loved ones.
Role modeling a healthy body image to her daughters.
Feeling confident in her own skin.
Living in a state of freedom and joy.
Tired of feeling sad, afraid, and anxious about her weight, Jen is ready for a big shift … even if she’s confused about how to get there.
While her wisdom, self-kindness, and high values have served her well so far, her body image triggers are clearly still blocking the way.
But one thing she’s clear about? It’s time to break the door down.
Nothing is going to stop Jen from doing the inner work she needs to do, so she can finally embrace herself – and the life she so deserves.
Listen in as Marc shares:
How to understand the root causes behind your weight and body image triggers.
Reframing the core negative beliefs and old traumas that are often at the root of body image challenges.
How to recognize and shift how you speak to yourself about your body.
A powerful exercise for learning to embrace your appearance.
And much more…
Don’t miss this remarkable eating psychology coaching session, where Marc lays out the path for all of us who are ready to release our body image triggers, and discover just how good life can be on the other side.
Learn more about us at The Institute for the Psychology of Eating: https://psychologyofeating.com/
Ready to call a ceasefire in your battle with eating, and find peace and freedom with food? Learn more about our newest program, The Emotional Eating Breakthrough! https://learn.psychologyofeating.com/
Interested in becoming a certified coach in eating psychology? Then tune in to hear Marc talk about our Mind Body Eating Coach Certification Training, and download a copy of our School Catalog: https://psychologyofeating.com/info-kit/ Learn our powerful, cutting-edge approach, and discover how you can create a unique career helping others find peace and freedom with food.
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#bodyimage #bodypositivity #bodypositive #bodyneutrality #selfimprovement #selfawareness #selflove #weight #weightloss #dieting #psychologyofeating
Managing emotions with food, otherwise known as emotional eating, is something that humans have been doing for millenia. And the reason is simple: when we eat, we reliably feel better – no matter how fleeting those “feel-good” feelings may be.
While many people intuitively understand that emotions play a key role in our eating habits, it can often be a lot harder to understand the emotions themselves.
The truth is, our inner emotional world is fantastically complex, and influences our relationship with food in so many diverse and fascinating ways.
Which brings us to guest coaching client Beverley, 70, whose deepest desire is to understand the “dark places” inside herself that drive her to food – and to finally bring healing to the challenging emotions she’s been feeling for over 50 years.
As Beverley shares with Marc David, she’s never really been able to understand her negative feelings, where they came from, or why she has them.
Beverley reflects that she’s had an “amazing life,” with so many blessings. She’s developed a fulfilling career as a theater director, helping young people develop their skills and confidence as an actor. She raised four incredible children of her own, and was, herself, born to a remarkable mother who always inspired and supported her.
And it’s this latter feature of Beverley’s life – her special bond with her mother – that is especially interesting.
As Marc explores with Beverley, her love for her mother runs so deep, and a very real part of her – her Child Archetype, doesn’t seem to want to let go. Even though Beverley’s mom has long since passed away, a part of Beverley still wants to be her mother’s daughter.
Her uncanny way of staying connected with her mom is by continuing to engage in a behavior – emotional eating – that she knows her mom would have always encouraged and supported her to not judge herself for. By turning to food and being childlike when it comes to soothing her emotions with eating, Beverley has found a way to symbolically stay connected to her mother.
As Marc reflects, sometimes our “dark places” aren’t actually what they seem. They aren’t actually dark, or sinister, or even flawed.
They’re just young parts of ourselves that hold onto a pattern out of fear of letting go of something – or someone – we love.
So be sure to tune into this powerful, wise, and heartfelt session that highlights the mother-daughter connection when it comes to food, and how we can continue to learn, grow and transform at any age in life.
Episode highlights:
✅ Why “going dark” with food isn’t always what it seems.
✅ Key transformational tools to bring consciousness to your own unique relationship with food.
✅ Why overcoming emotional eating often requires us to “graduate” from our parents house.
✅ Learning to see yourself as equal to your parents – and why that matters when it comes to food.
✅ How to forgive yourself around food and emotional eating.
✅ And much more!
Learn more about us at The Institute for the Psychology of Eating: https://psychologyofeating.com/
Ready to call a ceasefire in your battle with eating, and find peace and freedom with food? Learn more about our newest program, The Emotional Eating Breakthrough! https://learn.psychologyofeating.com/
Interested in becoming a certified coach in eating psychology? Then tune in to hear Marc talk about our Mind Body Eating Coach Certification Training, and download a copy of our School Catalog: https://psychologyofeating.com/info-kit/ Learn our powerful, cutting-edge approach, and discover how you can create a unique career helping others find peace and freedom with food.
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#emotionaleating #emotionaleatingjourney #relationshipwithfood #wisdom #innerchild #childarchetype #selflovejourney #selfsoothing #bekindtoyourself #loveyourself #elder #holisticnutrition
When it comes to body weight, most of us are focused on one thing: losing it!
But many people aren’t prepared for what happens after weight loss.
Any thoughts we may have about post-weight loss life are pretty dreamy. We imagine we’ll feel uber confident, accomplished, and ready to boldly move forward in life.
But all too often, that simply isn’t the case.
For many, the striving and struggle for weight loss ends up getting replaced by an equally unwelcome visitor: WEIGHT WORRY.
That can look like constant fear that we’ll gain the weight back, or nagging anxieties that we really should lose another few pounds.
Our food worries continue, and the voices in our head never stop criticizing. We judge our body, we shame ourselves for having body fat, and we belittle ourselves for not having absolute control over food.
While weight worry might fit into that box called a “1st world problem” – it can nevertheless be pretty debilitating.
So what do we do when losing weight doesn’t stop us from worrying about weight?
Tune into this episode to find the answer.
You’ll hear from guest coaching client, Armine, 51, who has dieted for most of her life – and recently lost weight after a gastric sleeve operation. Armine thought she’d feel happier, but instead is often consumed by intense anxiety that she’ll gain the weight back.
How can Armine shift into a new relationship with her body, where she’s not constantly worrying and fretting about her weight?
As Marc David helps Armine see, it’s a question of how she finds peace with herself and her body. Through a powerful new approach focused on personal growth, embodiment, and self-compassion, Armine discovers how to reframe her lifelong struggles with weight – and forge a beautiful new path forward.
Some of the key episode highlights include:
✅ How to send the body the unmistakable message that it’s a safe and welcome place, and why that matters when it comes to weight worry.
✅ Using a favorite form of “embodiment” to quiet the mind.
✅ Let go of perfection through the power of the Queen archetype.
✅ A key breathing technique to shift energy out of the mind and into the body.
This fascinating session demonstrates that weight loss by itself doesn’t guarantee inner peace and happiness. Freeing ourselves from weight worry ultimately comes down to living in joy – which is a daily practice we devote ourselves to, no matter how we look or what we weigh.
Learn more about us at The Institute for the Psychology of Eating: https://psychologyofeating.com/
Ready to call a ceasefire in your battle with eating, and find peace and freedom with food? Learn more about our newest program, The Emotional Eating Breakthrough! https://learn.psychologyofeating.com/
Interested in becoming a certified coach in eating psychology? Then tune in to hear Marc talk about our Mind Body Eating Coach Certification Training, and download a copy of our School Catalog: https://psychologyofeating.com/info-kit/ Learn our powerful, cutting-edge approach, and discover how you can create a unique career helping others find peace and freedom with food.
Follow us on social:
- YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/c/Psychologyofeating
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- Pinterest: https://www.pinterest.com/eatingpsych
#weight #weightworry #dieting #yoyodieting #weightlossjourney #selfawareness #personalgrowth #marcdavid #psychologyofeating #foodpsychology #positivepsychology
Night-time binge eating.
It’s a pastime that many people struggle with, and can feel truly insurmountable.
But nightly binge eating doesn’t have to get the best of you.
The reality is, there’s a clear road to recovering our power and being in control with food – all that’s needed is a deeper understanding of why nighttime binge eating – otherwise known as “nighttime eating syndrome” – happens, and a wise framework for overcoming it.
In this episode, we meet guest coaching client, Megan, who would like to finally break free from this challenging nighttime habit.
As a former fitness competitor, Megan spent many years on a low-calorie diet. Eating only 1,200 calories a day, and exercising extremely hard, Megan would find herself ravenous at night. And this would inevitably lead to giving into unwanted cravings – and heavy duty self-rejection.
Years later, Megan is no longer competing, and isn’t so restrictive with her diet. She eats well, and takes care of her body. And yet, she hasn’t been able to kick her nightly binge eating … a habit that takes a full 2 hours every night snacking, munching, and roaming the kitchen for food.
Disempowered and deflated, Megan feels like a failure with food.
As Marc David helps Megan see – it’s understandable given her history that she’s having a hard time kicking her nightly binging. Bringing compassion and self-awareness to the table is the first step in transforming nighttime eating syndrome.
The next step is identifying an effective approach that addresses the root problem.
And that’s where things get really interesting in this episode!
Marc offers Megan a soulful, unusual approach to healing binge eating that you won’t hear anywhere else.
So, please be sure to tune into this powerful episode to discover this beautiful tool in overcoming binge eating! Marc gets to the heart of why we eat at night, and how to gently transform it without the fight or struggle.
Some of the key insights & practices you’ll learn:
✅ The concept of “conscious ritual” – and why it matters.
✅ Identifying nourishing nightly rituals that powerfully transform binge eating.
✅ The relationship between “fast eating” and nighttime cravings
✅ The counterintuitive need to stop fighting and criminalizing nighttime eating.
✅ Learning to trust pleasure & how to make friends with food.
✅ And much more…
Learn more about us at The Institute for the Psychology of Eating: https://psychologyofeating.com/
Ready to call a ceasefire in your battle with eating, and find peace and freedom with food? Learn more about our newest program, The Emotional Eating Breakthrough! https://learn.psychologyofeating.com/
Interested in becoming a certified coach in eating psychology? Then tune in to hear Marc talk about our Mind Body Eating Coach Certification Training, and download a copy of our School Catalog: https://psychologyofeating.com/info-kit/ Learn our powerful, cutting-edge approach, and discover how you can create a unique career helping others find peace and freedom with food.
Follow us on social:
#nighttimeeatingsyndrome #bingeeating #nightlybingeeating #consciousritual #fasteating #emotionaleating #mindfuleating #sloweating #foodpsychology #marcdavid
Like so many of us, Cherie, age 56, wants to lose 20 pounds – but without the constant fight and struggle. Cherie has been battling these 20 pounds just about all her adult life – and she’s feeling ready for a new approach.
Cherie’s kids are about to leave the house, and she’d like to focus on her life for the first time in many years. She dreams of letting go of her day job and taking on an exciting new career, and she knows that now’s the time to step into her power. Everything is falling into place for Cherie to take a big leap in life.
But her weight continues to weigh her down.
In this week’s episode, Marc David coaches Cherie to finally have a breakthrough with her weight. And it’s all about focusing on this one weight loss secret:
➡️ Becoming a natural eater.
You see, Cherie has been a rather *unnatural* eater. Since age 13 when she was a young gymnast, her life revolved around working out, looking trim, having very little body fat, and winning the approval of others. For young Cherie, food quickly became the enemy. Eat too much of it, and everyone will notice your extra body fat. Starve yourself, and you’re doing exactly what you need to do to keep being loved and successful.
Unfortunately, Cherie has taken this same unnatural relationship with food that developed during childhood into her adult years. She has no idea what it’s like to truly enjoy food and not be on a diet.
As their conversation unfolds, Cherie opens up to what being a natural eater might feel like, including:
✅ Making friends with food.
✅ Letting go of the inner bully that’s beating herself up around weight.
✅ Allowing herself to feel hungry, eat a meal, and enjoy it.
✅ Stop looking at food like it’s going to become fat on her body.
✅ Give dieting a long vacation.
✅ Listen to her body’s wisdom when it comes to food.
As this episode explores, having an honest and sustainable approach to weight loss means that we need to look beyond dieting, calorie restriction, and self attack. Instead, finding a natural rhythm as an eater, finding nourishment in food, and discovering what our individual body needs is key.
When we’ve been trying weight loss strategies for decades and they continue to fail us, it’s time for a new approach. Tune into this fascinating session and watch as Cherie realizes why her approach to weight loss hasn’t worked, and how she can have a whole new and inspiring weight loss journey.
Learn more about us at The Institute for the Psychology of Eating: https://psychologyofeating.com/
Ready to call a ceasefire in your battle with eating, and find peace and freedom with food? Learn more about our newest program, The Emotional Eating Breakthrough! https://learn.psychologyofeating.com/
Interested in becoming a certified coach in eating psychology? Then tune in to hear Marc talk about our Mind Body Eating Coach Certification Training, and download a copy of our School Catalog: https://psychologyofeating.com/info-kit/ Learn our powerful, cutting-edge approach, and discover how you can create a unique career helping others find peace and freedom with food.
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#naturaleating #intuitiveeating #bodywisdom #stopdieting #antidiet #weightlossjourney #weightloss #marcdavid #psychologyofeating
Raelene, 46, would love to lose about 40 kilos. And she’s had great success in the past: all she has to do is eliminate sugar, cut down on the carbs, watch her calories and portion sizing, and the weight will eventually come off.
But the problem is, she just can’t seem to stick to a diet plan for more than a few months.
A cooking teacher and mother of two, Raelene says she simply doesn’t have the discipline to stick with it. And after 15 years of off-and-on-again dieting, Raelene still hasn’t reached the promised land – and like so many of us, is pretty frustrated and confused about what to do.
This is clearly a conundrum.
She knows what she needs to do, but she just doesn’t have the discipline to do it.
In this episode, Marc David helps Raelene realize something important:
Diagnosing the cause of her weight challenges as a lack of self-discipline is misplaced. And we know that to be true, in part, because her many years of trying to simply muster more discipline hasn’t been working. Discipline by itself will never solve her weight loss problem.
The reality is, Raelene hasn’t been in the right conversation with herself, all because of an incorrect assessment she made about herself many years ago.
As you’ll hear in this episode, Marc helps Raelene refocus on the true heart of the matter:
⇒ Understanding what’s truly driving her relationship with food (her eating psychology), and changing her core beliefs about food, weight, self-worth, and lovability.
So many of us focus on our weight from a place of judgment. But we deserve so much more than that. When we can bravely learn to step away from our harsh inner critic, and instead evoke compassion towards ourselves, we can discover what’s really behind our patterns with weight.
For Raelene, part of that is understanding the impact of what she learned in childhood about weight loss: she was a “good” girl only if she was slender. Fat girls would never be loved and accepted.
It’s no wonder that food became a source of anxiety, and the simple act of eating took on so much stress and pressure. If being overweight means being unlovable, then everything she eats must be just right, and her appetite must be in absolute control so she can finally receive love.
But the reality is, Raelene knows deep down inside that this is a battle she can never truly win. So a part of her rebels against dieting because her dieting is being driven from a place of low self worth. Eating to prove one’s self worth is unnatural, and it goes against our humanity and our dignity.
Marc helps Raelene see the beautiful truth that she is unconditionally loved by her kids, her husband, and the people who care about her the most. There is no one in her life who needs her to lose weight so she can be more lovable. Except for herself.
And it’s time to give herself some love when it comes to her body and her weight.
Episode highlights:
How to take the pressure off of weight loss, while also setting ourselves up for weight loss success
How to shift out of dieting mentality
Discovering who you are as an eater, and why that matters when it comes to weight
How to quiet the unwanted inner conversation around food
And more…
Learn more about us at The Institute for the Psychology of Eating: https://psychologyofeating.com/
Ready to call a ceasefire in your battle with eating, and find peace and freedom with food? Learn more about our newest program, The Emotional Eating Breakthrough! https://learn.psychologyofeating.com/
Interested in becoming a certified coach in eating psychology? Then tune in to hear Marc talk about our Mind Body Eating Coach Certification Training, and download a copy of our School Catalog: https://psychologyofeating.com/info-kit/ Learn our powerful, cutting-edge approach, and discover how you can create a unique career helping others find peace and freedom with food.
Follow us on social:
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#weight #bodyimage #sellove #weightlossjourney #sustainableweightloss #foodandbody #eatingchallenges #emotionaleating #chronicdieting #yoyodieting #antidet
Barbara, 60, is finally ready to explore the world, go on adventures, and find the man of her dreams. She’s done lots of therapy, read all the books, and it seems like nothing should be in the way.
But something is clearly holding her back.
A lifetime of dieting and disliking her body, and a string of unfortunate dating experiences in the past has her majorly doubting herself. Barbara so deeply wants to move on and create the life she feels like she’s long overdue for – but there’s part of her that is having a really hard time trusting that it’s possible.
For all of us who struggle with weight and body image, this can be an all-too familiar story.
What do we do when we’re ready to embrace life, but we feel held back by negative constructs about our body, our weight, and our past? How do we heal patterns that have been around for decades? And how do we find trust in life when we’ve been previously hurt?
In this episode, Marc David identifies some of the hidden forces at work that are driving Barbara’s confusion, and delivers some powerful advice to help her take a big step forward.
At the core of Barbara’s challenge is a lack of confidence in herself, and her body – which are intimately entwined. To help Barbara find her confidence and self assuredness, Marc focuses on a surprising area: cultivating her dating and relationship skills.
Previously, Barbara wasn’t clear about what she wanted, and what she was willing to put up with when it came to dating men. But as Marc helps her to see, it’s time to bring clarity to this important part of her life.
Using the powerful frame of our eating archetypes (or inner personas that drive our life and relationship with food) – Barbara realizes that her inner Child Archetype has often been the one making her decisions. But as Marc shares, it’s Barbara’s Queen Archetype that is best suited to help her find her inner confidence and choose the right partner.
When our inner Queen or King Archetype is leading the way, we can finally transform our lives through the maturity and self-knowing that these personas represent … and make the very best decisions for our life and relationships.
Episode highlights:
✅ How our relationship with food often reflects our intimate relationships.
✅ How developing dating and relationship mastery can help us transform old insecurities into massive self-confidence.
✅ Why listening to your dating intuition is essential to finding the right partner.
✅ Owning the power of “no” without needing to apologize.
✅ How to restore our trust in ourselves, our body, and our relationship with food.
Learn more about us at The Institute for the Psychology of Eating: https://psychologyofeating.com/
Struggling to understand what’s at the root of your challenges with food and body? Discover the eating archetypes, or hidden personalities, that may be driving your eating challenges in our free mini-course, THE 8 EATING ARCHETYPES: A Self-Discovery Tool. Sign up here: https://psychologyofeating.com/eating-archetypes/
Interested in becoming a certified coach in eating psychology? Then tune in to hear Marc talk about our Mind Body Eating Coach Certification Training, and download a copy of our School Catalog: https://psychologyofeating.com/info-kit/ Learn our powerful, cutting-edge approach, and discover how you can create a unique career helping others find peace and freedom with food.
Follow us on social:
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#bodyimage #bodyconfidence #bodypositivity #weight #weightlossjourney #dating #datingafter60 #relationships #foodfreedom #selfconfidence #selflove
If you’ve been dieting for many years, you know it can get to be a little “much.” Chronic dieting can leave us frustrated, exhausted, and exasperated. Why does something so simple – weight loss – have to be so hard?
Millions of people around the world are realizing that they’re just plain tired of dieting. So much so that an increasing number of people are deciding to take a break from weight loss altogether.
But taking a diet break doesn’t alleviate the very real fear that many of us experience: that the second we stop dieting, we’re going to gain weight.
In this episode, Marc David works with Stephanie, 47, who has taken a 1-year break from weight loss – but has gained a stone (about 14 pounds) during that time, and is afraid she’ll only gain more.
Nevertheless, she’s given herself this time to move away from “weight loss at all costs” to approaching her weight from a mindset perspective, and doing all the reading and learning she can from self-help experts like Dr. Kristin Neff and Brene Brown.
As Stephanie shares, she’s at an inflection point. She’s been dieting since she was a teenager, often with the help of slimming clubs that are popular in the U.K. She became so disenchanted by her experience in the weight loss world, that she knows she can’t go back.
She believes that her spiritual path lies in trusting her body and accepting it the way it is – but three decades of dieting have lodged deep-seated fears around weight gain.
Stephanie asks, “What can I do to overcome the conditioned fear of weight gain?”
Regardless of where we’re at with our weight, this is one of the very best questions we can ask of ourselves. Because the truth is, we may want to lose weight … but deep down, we’re wanting to love and accept ourselves even more.
Episode highlights:
✅ Why finding the right foundation for ourselves as a person – one based on our true value instead of our weight – is so important.
✅ Why it’s unrealistic to think you’ll 100% accept yourself one day – and why allowing yourself to be imperfect can help you heal and grow.
✅ How our collective judgment around weight clouds the notion of what it means to be truly healthy.
✅ Why BMI science is outdated, and can contribute to our weight gain fears.
✅ The interplay between “self” and “self-improvement” and why we need to sometimes let go and allow ourselves to simply “be.”
Learn more about us at The Institute for the Psychology of Eating: https://psychologyofeating.com/
Ready to call a ceasefire in your battle with eating, and find peace and freedom with food? Learn more about our newest program, The Emotional Eating Breakthrough! https://learn.psychologyofeating.com/
Interested in becoming a certified coach in eating psychology? Then tune in to hear Marc talk about our Mind Body Eating Coach Certification Training, and download a copy of our School Catalog: https://psychologyofeating.com/info-kit/ Learn our powerful, cutting-edge approach, and discover how you can create a unique career helping others find peace and freedom with food.
Follow us on social:
- YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/c/Psychologyofeating
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#dietbreak #antidiet #dieting #weight #relationshipwithfood #selfimprovement #selftrust #selfacceptance #eatingpsychology #holisticnutrition #marcdavid #podcast
Emotional eating always has a psychological or biological reason for showing up in our life. It never just “happens” … it’s almost always an unconscious psychological strategy to regulate difficult emotions.
That’s the case for guest coaching client, Katy, who’s going through a period of massive change – and is struggling to manage her feelings about it all. As a newly-turned 30-year old, Katy is figuring out what’s important to her in life, what sort of career she wants to pursue, and how she wants to earn money. She’s hoping to find a life partner, and would one day like to become a mother.
And all this great change is bringing up major uncertainty, as well as feelings of anxiety, fear, and self-doubt.
Amidst all of this, Katy has been experiencing on-off cycles of emotional eating, overeating, and body judgment. She wishes her food habits didn’t feel like such a roller coaster ride, and that she could just feel consistently joyful and positive about her relationship with food and her body.
But as Marc David explores with Katy, it can be pretty difficult to maintain a consistently positive and joyful relationship with food when the rest of our life is in a state of change and upheaval.
The truth is that our relationship with food is a reflection of the rest of our life. If we find ourselves in an uncertain time of life, it’s natural to feel uncertain and inconsistent with food.
Through self-awareness and self-kindness, we can begin to see food as the powerful and effective emotional regulator that it is – and stop making ourselves wrong for turning to it sometimes when we aren’t feeling so good about life.
As Katy looks to the bigger context of her life, she realizes that her love-hate cycles with food and body, and in particular, with emotional eating, are simply reflecting the cycles of change she’s experiencing in her inner and outer worlds. And with this new awareness, she can bring some much-needed forgiveness and self-compassion to herself – which ironically, can begin to free herself from the very unwanted eating patterns that are weighing her down.
Episode highlights:
✅ Why seeking to be in a constant positive state with food can keep us trapped in our eating patterns.
✅ How to find forgiveness and self-acceptance in your relationship with food – and why times of change call for it more than other times of life.
✅ How to know whether fasting or cleansing is right for your body, or when it might exacerbate yo-yo dieting tendencies.
✅ How to take baby steps with mindful eating.
Learn more about us at The Institute for the Psychology of Eating: https://psychologyofeating.com/
Ready to call a ceasefire in your battle with eating, and find peace and freedom with food? Learn more about our newest program, The Emotional Eating Breakthrough! https://learn.psychologyofeating.com/
Interested in becoming a certified coach in eating psychology? Then tune in to hear Marc talk about our Mind Body Eating Coach Certification Training, and download a copy of our School Catalog: https://psychologyofeating.com/info-kit/ Learn our powerful, cutting-edge approach, and discover how you can create a unique career helping others find peace and freedom with food.
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#emotionaleating #overeating #bodyimage #relationshipwithfood #eatingpsychology #foodfreedom #intuitiveeating #mindfuleating #slowdowndiet #marcdavid #podcast
It’s no surprise that many people around the world would like to lose weight. In fact, between 2017 and 2021, 55% of all Americans have expressed the desire for weight loss. And unfortunately, many people who are single and would like to find love in their life are instead putting it off until they’re at their desired weight.
That’s the case for 41-year old Shawnna, our guest in this episode of the podcast.
Shawnna would like to lose about 50 pounds, and find a more peaceful relationship with food – one where she’s not constantly thinking about what, when, and how much to eat. As she shares, she’s tired of feeling like food and her weight is holding her back from following her dreams, including finding a significant other.
But despite her best efforts, Shawnna has struggled over the last decade to not see her weight as one of the most important aspects of life to overcome.
She’s tried every approach she knows to lose weight. And she’s tried everything to try to forget about her weight, move on, and have a happy life.
No matter what she does, Shawnna feels limited by her relationship with food.
So what should she do next?
As Marc David shares with Shawnna, part of the solution is remembering that our relationship with food is a great teacher – one of the key tenets of eating psychology, otherwise known as food psychology.
When we understand that our eating challenges are here to help us learn and grow, we can then turn to a powerful question: What is my relationship with food and body trying to teach me? What can I learn from this situation?
And for Shawnna – like so many of us, part of the answer lies in being clear about what we truly want from life – and learning how to prioritize and put those things first.
Episode highlights:
✅ How our family “tribe” influences our eating challenges, and what’s important to know as you’re healing your own relationship with food.
✅ Why learning to pay attention to our desires is key to transforming our food and body challenges — and how to start.
✅ How to be the “real” you now and have the life you want, even if the weight isn’t gone yet.
Tune in for a beautiful episode on not waiting to lose weight to find love. Because we all deserve to experience love in our life…
Learn more about us at The Institute for the Psychology of Eating: https://psychologyofeating.com/
Ready to call a ceasefire in your battle with eating, and find peace and freedom with food? Learn more about our newest program, The Emotional Eating Breakthrough! https://learn.psychologyofeating.com/
Interested in becoming a certified coach in eating psychology? Then tune in to hear Marc talk about our Mind Body Eating Coach Certification Training, and download a copy of our School Catalog: https://psychologyofeating.com/info-kit/ Learn our powerful, cutting-edge approach, and discover how you can create a unique career helping others find peace and freedom with food.
Follow us on social:
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#weightloss #weightlossjourney #bodyimage #selflove #selfimprovement #foodfreedom #eatingpsychology #foodpsychology #marcdavid
In this episode of The Psychology of Eating Podcast, we’re going to take a look at why we need to get past the label of ‘body dysmorphia’ – a medical term – and instead look to understand why body dysmorphia is actually present.
And to do that, we must explore our personal story from childhood to adulthood – because our history contains the clues for where this pattern developed in the first place.
The reality is, many of us have dysmorphic tendencies. Meaning, we see our body differently than it actually is – and not in a good way.
That’s the case for Rory, 62, who reports struggling with body dysmorphia since childhood. As he shares with Marc David, he’s never had a problem controlling what he eats. He’s been able to maintain his body fat at 8-10% consistently since his 20s through extreme sports and rigid dieting.
But none of his efforts ever feel like enough. Rory’s body hate runs so deep that he avoids mirrors and glass windows so he doesn’t see his reflection. In his mind, he wishes he had the body of an Olympic athlete, strong and lean and muscular. But that’s never been the body he sees reflecting back to him. He considers his body overly thin, with too little muscle regardless of how much strength training he does.
Despite all his internal struggles, Rory has a pretty incredible life: 5 kids and a beautiful marriage, and a lot of commitment to his own personal growth. He really wants to discover how he can stop the voice that says, “I hate my body” – and instead find peace and self-acceptance.
Whether you or a loved one is struggling with body dysmorphic tendencies – or find yourself, like Rory, telling yourself “I hate my body” – this episode is for you!
Episode highlights:
✅ Why self-labeling as “body dysmorphic” unnecessarily medicalizes our human condition, and why understanding our food and body story is more important
✅ The connection between body dysmorphia and our childhood strategies for self-protection and love
✅ Why bringing self-compassion to our inner child can powerfully shift body hate
✅ How to move from doing things TO your body to instead creating a nourishing conversation WITH your body – and why that’s key to fostering a positive body image
✅ How to create the optimal conditions for releasing body dysmorphic tendencies…
Learn more about us at The Institute for the Psychology of Eating: https://psychologyofeating.com/
Ready to call a ceasefire in your battle with eating, and find peace and freedom with food? Learn more about our newest program, The Emotional Eating Breakthrough! https://learn.psychologyofeating.com/
Interested in becoming a certified coach in eating psychology? Then tune in to hear Marc talk about our Mind Body Eating Coach Certification Training, and download a copy of our School Catalog: https://psychologyofeating.com/info-kit/ Learn our powerful, cutting-edge approach, and discover how you can create a unique career helping others find peace and freedom with food.
Follow us on social:
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#bodydysmorphia #bodyimage #bodypositivity #weightloss #weightlossjourney #selfawareness #selftalk #eatingpsychology #marcdavid #podcast
We all have different reasons for wanting to lose weight:
And sometimes, there are hidden reasons for wanting to lose weight that we don’t even realize we have.
For Nataliya, 46, weight loss has been a lifelong journey. Nataliya wants to be more confident in her body, and to feel lighter. She jokes that her goal is to feel “like a squirrel” and be able to jump from branch to branch.
But what she doesn’t quite realize is that her desire to feel lighter is driven by a part of her that’s thinking some “heavy thoughts.”
And as Marc David explains, those heavy thoughts are all about her resistance to something that so many of us would like to avoid:
===> Aging.
Even though she is youthful, has a young child, a great marriage, and is in good health, Nataliya is starting to feel older – and her unwanted weight is just one more reminder of the aging process. She finds herself often longing for the body she had as a young girl.
As Marc points out, making peace with aging is a spiritual practice. And to find peace with our age, we ultimately need to connect with that part of us that’s wiser and more mature.
Because it’s perfectly understandable to have a hard time saying goodbye to our youth – but it’s also vital that we develop a healthy relationship with aging.
Along the way to making the powerful connection between weight and aging, Marc also helps Nataliya see that if she truly wants to lose weight, she needs to focus on a whole new approach, including:
✅ Letting go of needing the approval of others to feel that her body is “acceptable”
✅ Noticing when the “teenager voice” within her is taking over the weight loss conversation
✅ Finding peace with aging, and making it a spiritual practice
✅ Learning that body confidence doesn’t come from future weight loss … it happens when we do things, right NOW, that help us feel better in our body
✅ And much more…
Tune into this wonderful episode on aging, weight, and making peace with ourselves and our lives.
Learn more about us at The Institute for the Psychology of Eating: https://psychologyofeating.com/
Ready to call a ceasefire in your battle with eating, and find peace and freedom with food? Learn more about our newest program, The Emotional Eating Breakthrough! https://learn.psychologyofeating.com/
Interested in becoming a certified coach in eating psychology? Then tune in to hear Marc talk about our Mind Body Eating Coach Certification Training, and download a copy of our School Catalog: https://psychologyofeating.com/info-kit/ Learn our powerful, cutting-edge approach, and discover how you can create a unique career helping others find peace and freedom with food.
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#aging #bodyacceptance #weight #spiritualpractice #selfacceptance #selflovejourney #foodfreedom #eatingpsychology #marcdavid
The desire to lose weight unites so many people around the world. And while it may be a common global phenomenon … what’s not frequently recognized is how unique all of our weight loss journeys turn out to be.
The truth is, if we want to lose weight and keep it off, we need to intimately understand our life story and how it affects our journey with weight.
In this episode of The Psychology of Eating Podcast, you’ll meet Wendy, 57. She’s been on a strugglesome journey to lose weight. And one thing that particularly stands out in Wendy’s life story is the prominent role a particular archetype has been playing all these years:
Her Inner Child.
Each and every one of us has an “inner child” – which you can think of as an archetype – or “voice” or “personality” that shows up in different parts of our life. Here are some descriptions of the child within us:
Our Inner Child wants immediate gratification.
It loves pleasure and fun.
It’s a part of us that’s very innocent and naive.
Notably, the Inner Child doesn’t care about the consequence of its actions.
This personality often takes over our decision making process when it comes to food and diet.
So what does this have to do with weight loss?
Well, when the Inner Child is sitting at the head of the table and making our food choices, it will go against our better judgment. It will make decisions that run counter to our goals of health and weight.
As you’ll hear in this episode, Marc David, master eating psychology expert, works with Wendy to explore her Inner Child and help her demystify her weight loss journey. For a long time, Wendy’s Inner Child has been at the head of the table, making nutritional decisions with little regard to the negative consequences.
Marc ultimately helps Wendy see that the best way for her to work with weight is to take charge of the different personalities inside of her, to accept her Inner Child’s desire for pleasurable food, and to let the voice of her Inner Adult run the show when it comes to her eating choices.
Along the way, they also cover some fascinating topics such as:
✅ Weight loss during Covid times
✅ Grieving and weight
✅ The impact of our primary relationship on weight
✅ The dynamics of the “good girl” and “bad girl” archetypes with food
✅ And much more…
Learn more about us at The Institute for the Psychology of Eating: https://psychologyofeating.com/
Struggling to understand what’s at the root of your challenges with food and body? Discover the eating archetypes, or hidden personalities, that may be driving your eating challenges in our free mini-course, THE 8 EATING ARCHETYPES: A Self-Discovery Tool. Sign up here: https://psychologyofeating.com/eating-archetypes/
Interested in becoming a certified coach in eating psychology? Then tune in to hear Marc talk about our Mind Body Eating Coach Certification Training, and download a copy of our School Catalog: https://psychologyofeating.com/info-kit/ Learn our powerful, cutting-edge approach, and discover how you can create a unique career helping others find peace and freedom with food.
Follow us on social:
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#weightlossjourney #eatingarchetype #innerchild #innerchildhealing #nourishnotpunish #foodpsychology #selflove #marcdavid
In this episode, Marc David works with Richard, 72, who is living in a constant state of vigilance when it comes to his weight and health.
Like so many of us, Richard has developed a belief that his diet must be perfect in order to maintain his health, avoid illness, and keep weight off.
And what happens if he can’t maintain the perfect diet?
The moment Richard gains a pound, he imagines that he’s just around the corner from a heart attack. He believes that if he doesn’t eat 100% perfectly all the time and at every meal, then his family history of arteriosclerosis will instantly catch up to him.
On top of that, Richard has an intense fear of gaining weight … having bounced back and forth between extreme weight gains and losses starting in his early twenties. He acknowledges that his lifelong challenges with weight were born from his early struggles with dyslexia, learning disabilities, and childhood feelings of isolation.
So even though Richard is a mature, successful and healthy 72-year old man, he simply can’t find a way to let go of incessant weight and health worries.
Listen in as Marc guides Richard into greater awareness of the emotional triggers that contribute to his quest for perfection and cause him to disconnect from himself whenever he eats.
Together they explore how to put an end to his worries about weight and health by focusing on his deeper purpose in his remaining years. Because ultimately, Richard is here to do more than feel trapped by his constant worrying – he, like the rest of us, is here to have a fulfilling and truly meaningful life.
You’ll also hear:
✅ How savoring the experience of eating can enhance the mind-body connection, improve digestion, and help regulate appetite.
✅ Why learning to minimize and manage stress is critical to lowering the risk for a variety of health conditions.
✅ How embracing food and body challenges as great teachers can help us to live a happier and more fulfilling life.
Learn more about us at The Institute for the Psychology of Eating: https://psychologyofeating.com/
Ready to call a ceasefire in your battle with eating, and find peace and freedom with food? Learn more about our newest program, The Emotional Eating Breakthrough! https://learn.psychologyofeating.com/
Interested in becoming a certified coach in eating psychology? Then tune in to hear Marc talk about our Mind Body Eating Coach Certification Training, and download a copy of our School Catalog: https://psychologyofeating.com/info-kit/ Learn our powerful, cutting-edge approach, and discover how you can create a unique career helping others find peace and freedom with food.
Follow us on social:
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#antidiet #dietsdontwork #weightlossjourney #selflove #embodiment #foodfreedom #eatingpsychology #foodpsychology #marcdavid
When it comes to weight loss, so many of us feel that we need to restrict our food, punish the body with exercise, and be in a constant state of worry. We expect our weight loss journey to be an ongoing battle where we can never truly relax and live.
But there’s a much better way.
In this episode, Marc David works with guest podcast client David, and challenges the belief that weight and health goals have to be difficult. At age 74, David wants to lose weight and eat healthy, but he’s tired of all the hard work.
He knows what he wants, but he’s confused about how to get there.
David would like to enjoy food and not live in a state of restriction, but at the same time, he wishes he could be 40 pounds lighter.
Fed up by the cycle of working hard to lose weight, and then gaining it right back, David wonders:
“Can’t I just be me? When do I get to just live my life?”
Listen in as they explore the power of cultivating a more natural and easy relationship with food and body. Instead of punishing the body into weight loss, Marc helps David develop a strategy to nourish himself into finding his natural weight.
“You have a natural relationship with food and with your appetite. You just have to create the conditions for that to emerge,” Marc says.
Paradoxically, by taking weight loss off the table, not only can we finally relax and enjoy life, but we actually create the ideal conditions for real and lasting weight loss.
You’ll also hear Marc share valuable insights on:
✅ How putting “pressure” on food to make us lose weight doesn’t work.
✅ Creating a relaxed relationship with the body that gets us closer to our natural weight.
✅ How having a spiritual reckoning with ourselves can help us have a more loving body image.
✅ Why clarity about our life’s purpose is especially powerful for older men and health.
Learn more about us at The Institute for the Psychology of Eating: https://psychologyofeating.com/
Ready to call a ceasefire in your battle with eating, and find peace and freedom with food? Learn more about our newest program, The Emotional Eating Breakthrough! https://learn.psychologyofeating.com/
Interested in becoming a certified coach in eating psychology? Then tune in to hear Marc talk about our Mind Body Eating Coach Certification Training, and download a copy of our School Catalog: https://psychologyofeating.com/info-kit/ Learn our powerful, cutting-edge approach, and discover how you can create a unique career helping others find peace and freedom with food.
Follow us on social:
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#ditchthediet #chronicdieting #weight #wisdom #bodyimage #holisticnutrition #mindbodyconnection #selfawareness #selfkindness #eatingpsychology