Healthy relationships require caring, compassion, and lots of good, honest communication. So, when was the last time you brought these qualities to your relationship with food? Maybe it’s time to give this long-term, committed relationship some loving attention. When we stop seeing food as just something we consume, and start looking at it as an area of life that’s full of needs, desires, hidden expectations and unexplored feelings, we can gain some surprising insights into why we make the choices that we do. This thought-provoking podcast episode sheds light on the powerful dynamics of our lifelong relationship with food and offers some great tips for opening our hearts to all that food can teach us.
Interested in becoming a certified coach in eating psychology? Then tune in to hear Marc talk about our Mind Body Eating Coach Certification Training, and download a copy of our School Catalog: Learn our powerful, cutting-edge approach, and discover how you can create a unique career helping others find peace and freedom with food.