Life is all about growth, and just about everyone has something they'd like to change about themselves, whether it's their income, their habits, or something related to body and health. These days, the personal growth field is a booming business, with all kinds of experts promoting foolproof systems for creating the life you've longed for. But some of the most effective, time tested methods for making lasting, positive changes are available to everyone, any time, and they're completely free! In this inspiring new podcast episode, Emily Rosen explores 5 things you can do to support yourself in making the changes you've been wishing for. These strategies might be a bit outside the box, but if you try them with an open mind, we think you'll find they give you just the boost you need for making a shift.
Interested in becoming a certified coach in eating psychology? Then tune in to hear Marc talk about our Mind Body Eating Coach Certification Training, and download a copy of our School Catalog: Learn our powerful, cutting-edge approach, and discover how you can create a unique career helping others find peace and freedom with food.
There's a fascinating connection between our emotions and our relationship with food. Jenny was worried because she thought of herself as an "emotional eater." She weighed more than she wanted to, and she had developed a habit of using food to fill the gaps in her emotional life. Having been raised by a single mom, she learned to cook at a young age, and she loved it; food soon became her friend, her mother, her intimate partner, the only place she could count on feeling nourished. In this breakthrough session, Marc helps Jenny to see that her food "issues" have actually been important coping strategies for her during certain periods of her life, and she's now reached a stage of maturity and empowerment where she is able to rely on other sources of nourishment. With Marc's support, Jenny is able to revise her story about her past and understand that she has not been broken, but is right on track for personal growth.
Interested in becoming a certified coach in eating psychology? Then tune in to hear Marc talk about our Mind Body Eating Coach Certification Training, and download a copy of our School Catalog: Learn our powerful, cutting-edge approach, and discover how you can create a unique career helping others find peace and freedom with food.
Heart health is a huge topic in the nutrition world today, and the experts are always trumpeting the latest pill, exercise, or superfood that's guaranteed to lower our blood pressure and keep our heart pumping at full strength. Many of these suggestions can indeed be helpful, but sometimes the experts have a narrow focus when it comes to nourishing the human heart and miss the big picture. In this insightful new podcast episode, Emily Rosen, Director of the Institute for the psychology of Eating, shares 5 truly innovative strategies to support your heart. Each of these "superfoods" is a unique and powerful way to give your heart a boost. Try one today, and you just might find that your happiness levels show a dramatic increase.
Interested in becoming a certified coach in eating psychology? Then tune in to hear Marc talk about our Mind Body Eating Coach Certification Training, and download a copy of our School Catalog: Learn our powerful, cutting-edge approach, and discover how you can create a unique career helping others find peace and freedom with food.
For many people who struggle with obsessive thoughts about food and body, a closer look reveals that food isn't the real issue after all, but a distraction from something deeper (and possibly scarier). Cydney has spent the last four years feeling completely controlled by her relationship with food and her drive to obtain body perfection through diet and intensive exercise. At the same time, she's frustrated by feelings of insecurity that she can never seem to shake: she worries about health, finances, her appearance, what others think of her, and more. In this moving session, Marc David, Founder of the Institute for the Psychology of Eating, helps Cydney see that she tends to stay stuck in her head and does not let herself feel. Once she started shifting the focus from her diet to her larger challenge around finding security in life, Cydney came to understand that she carries that insecurity in her belly - but that it is possible to have a different experience. And when she realized that she already has some powerful sources of security in her circle of female friends, Marc coached her to start tapping into these resources and begin living life from a more empowered place.
Interested in becoming a certified coach in eating psychology? Then tune in to hear Marc talk about our Mind Body Eating Coach Certification Training, and download a copy of our School Catalog: Learn our powerful, cutting-edge approach, and discover how you can create a unique career helping others find peace and freedom with food.
If you've ever struggled with an unwanted eating challenge, you may have reached a point where you wondered if it would ever get better. And if you've worked on the same issue for years, if you've tried everything and still haven't been able to make the changes you want, you might start to feel like there is no hope. If you've ever found yourself in that place, or if you know someone who has, please join us for this powerful new podcast episode where Emily Rosen, Director of the Institute for the Psychology of Eating, shares 5 game-changing insights that can completely transform the way you approach any eating-related concern. You'll come away with some fresh ideas and perspectives, and hopefully, a new sense of possibility. No matter what you've been dealing with, there is hope for you - and these key distinctions can help you regain your optimism.
Interested in becoming a certified coach in eating psychology? Then tune in to hear Marc talk about our Mind Body Eating Coach Certification Training, and download a copy of our School Catalog: Learn our powerful, cutting-edge approach, and discover how you can create a unique career helping others find peace and freedom with food.
Kayla recovered from bulimia, but still struggles with binge eating. She's a personal trainer who tends to do things to extremes: a period of perfect healthy eating, followed by a period of of self-destructive binging. A history of sexual abuse has left her feeling uncomfortable in the presence of men. In this illuminating session, Marc David, Founder of the Institute for the Psychology of Eating, suggests that see that Kayla's binge eating is not actually the real problem, but that it's a symptom with an important message for her, and it's time for Kayla to really listen to that message. And as Marc helps Kayla to see, a key part of that message is that in order to release binge eating, she will need to begin to heal her relationship with men.
Interested in becoming a certified coach in eating psychology? Then tune in to hear Marc talk about our Mind Body Eating Coach Certification Training, and download a copy of our School Catalog: Learn our powerful, cutting-edge approach, and discover how you can create a unique career helping others find peace and freedom with food.
When it comes to nutrition, there's no shortage of seemingly important numbers. We have recommended daily allowances for nutrients, calorie amounts, cholesterol levels, and target weight, just to name a few. And if we're following a specific diet plan, chances are, we know a lot of those numbers by heart. We may even use them to help us make important life decisions. Nutritional numbers can be a great starting place, but sometimes we can start to feel like they're running our life, leaving us no room for fun or spontaneity - and for all the attention we give them, they really only tell part of the story. In this thought-provoking new podcast episode, Emily Rosen, Director of the Institute for the Psychology of Eating, looks at the benefits and limitations of nutritional data, and offers some powerful alternative sources of guidance. If you find yourself checking the scale more often than you'd like, it may be time to give the numbers a break and tune into your own body's wisdom about what it needs to be fully nourished. What you learn may surprise you!
Interested in becoming a certified coach in eating psychology? Then tune in to hear Marc talk about our Mind Body Eating Coach Certification Training, and download a copy of our School Catalog: Learn our powerful, cutting-edge approach, and discover how you can create a unique career helping others find peace and freedom with food.
Tired of dealing with obesity for most of his life, Kevin had weight loss surgery - but after three years, he had gained most of the weight back. He'd like to be 100 pounds lighter, but he feels stuck, and can't seem to get himself motivated. In this fascinating session, Marc David, Founder of the Institute for the Psychology of Eating, explains that sometimes, our extra weight really IS stuck energy. Marc helps Kevin see that in order to make his weight loss goals a reality, he might need to dive deep into his past to recover his inspiration. Once these missing pieces are in place, Kevin will finally be able to step into his manhood like never before and become the captain of his own ship - his body.
Interested in becoming a certified coach in eating psychology? Then tune in to hear Marc talk about our Mind Body Eating Coach Certification Training, and download a copy of our School Catalog: Learn our powerful, cutting-edge approach, and discover how you can create a unique career helping others find peace and freedom with food.