Amy has reached out to Marc David, Founder of the Institute for the Psychology of Eating, in regards to her 9 year-old son, Xander, who has a complex, picky, and troublesome relationship with food. Marc explains the possible reasons for Xander's anxiety around controlling what he eats. Amy learns what it could look like to support her son, while not trying to fix him. In Marc's words, he is a sensitive, interesting soul, he is complex, and he is whole. He is not broken. In turn, Marc invites Amy into a new strategy of being curious with her son, in a way that will support him to manage and grow through his experience, as opposed to both of them being stuck in the spinning wheel of "What's for dinner?... I don't want that".
Interested in becoming a certified coach in eating psychology? Then tune in to hear Marc talk about our Mind Body Eating Coach Certification Training, and download a copy of our School Catalog: Learn our powerful, cutting-edge approach, and discover how you can create a unique career helping others find peace and freedom with food.